Monday, May 28, 2007

One cause of global warming

Burning forests is like a monster that eats every single leaf that stands in its way. Billions of trees are cut annually, so this means we are throwing hundreds of millions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually. There are two major factors that cause this problem. However, these factors can be divided into modified and unmodified factors. The modified factor is the one that caused by humans such grazing, agriculture or building. The second reason is cause by the sun rays, and this factor is uncontrolled because it depends on the sun heat. To explain further, some time the sun heat can burn the dry leaves that falls from trees. AS a result of that the fire may spread out in the forests, and these leaves can easily catch fire.

1 comment:

Abdullah_Alkhaja said...

yes i agree with you about the burning forests whoich is seriouse cuase of global warming. But I still underestand why burning forests occurs ?